
Re:Discovery is what the park service is going to use to replace ANCS.
When I was working at the Midwest Archaeological Center (MWAC)  last year
we underwent some Re:Discovery training. Unfortunately, they never got
the system up and running before I left. However, MWAC is one of the park
service's test sites for the program. I'm sure that they have it working
by now.

For information contact Jan Dial-Jones.  Her phone number is
(402)437-5392 x. 115 or email her at [log in to unmask]
If she isn't around, try Rene Botts at the same number (don't remember
her extension).  Both are really great and I'm sure they will be happy to
share their experiences so far, discuss the software, etc. Feel free to
tell them I gave you their names/numbers.

Good Luck!

Nancy Russell
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