We are looking for collections management software
     which will allow us to integrate our archeological,
     historical, ethnological, and natural history
     collections with the SHPO's site files and manuscript
     report records - no small task.  We have massive
     collections to work with here.

     We're looking Questor's Argus system.  A colleague
     recently suggested we look at something called
     Rediscovery, which (I'm told) not only slices your
     bread, but butters it, and does the whole thing
     cheaper.  Anyone out there in Museum-L Land have any
     information on or references for Rediscovery?  Anyone
     actually using it?


     Chris Dill

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C. L. Dill, Museum Director
State Historical Society of North Dakota
612 East Boulevard
Bismarck  ND  58505-0830
P: (701)328-2666
F: (701)328-3710
E:  [log in to unmask]
Visit our Web site at: http://www.state.nd.us/hist/
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