The State of Michigan has a complex in Lansing which houses the state library
as well as the state history museum.  The museum number is 517-373-6362, if
you want to talk to someone there.  I personally like the idea!  I believe it
is relatively new (10 years or so?)

Kim Stull
Education Resource Manager
Midway Village and Museum Center
Rockford, IL

> To:            [log in to unmask]

> Subject:       Museum/library combinations

> Date:          Wed, 30 Jul 1997 16:00:21 PDT


> I've just been struck by a perhaps insurmountable opportunity - to

> make a case for a combined library/museum facility as a new building.

> I need some quick information on any such facility that you might be

> aware of.  If you also have opinions on why this or is not a good

> idea, i'd appreciate hearing them.


> Thanks folks.  This one is important! (to me anyway)


> Mariana