
Has anyone among us experience of conservation of contemporary art works
made of fiber and/or textile ?

I'm in charge of inventoring a collection which has just been donated
to a local public institution. The collection is beautiful and includes
works from Magdalena Abakanowicz, Jagoda Buic, Peter and Ritzi Jacobi,
Olga de Amaral, as well as American and Japanese artists.

The 2-dimensions wall tapestries of the 60' or 70's will be rolled
with acid-free silk paper.

But the problem is for the 3D textile/fiber pieces : how to store a wool
piece like a big soft colomn for instance ? And the place is
unfortunately rather limited : crates cannot be bigger than about
1 x 1 x 1 meter.

Your advices, your experience in such conservation matters will be
very precious and I'm really grateful in advance.

Béatrice Béguin
CH - 1308 La Chaux/Cossonay

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