Regarding where do we get our information, here are the results from a Cost of Living Analysis taken from a Web page done by DataMasters (email at, i didn't write down the URL for the page). Cost of living comparisons National Average = 100 New York 219.7 Washington D.C. 123.4 Denver 103.9 Dallas 98.2 Since I live in Wisconsin, here is a comparison between Madison and New York: A $25,000 salary in Madison, WI offers the same buying power as a $47,516.71 salary in NY,NY. A $25,000 salary in NY,NY offeres the same buying power as a $13,153.27 salary in Madison, WI. Perhaps the bigger issue here is the persistant underpayment of employees in the museum field. I am sorry, but many of the positions available require MS degrees with years of experience, while the starting salary is most often in the low 20s. Richard Fields The views exppressed here are my own, and in no way reflect those of the U.S. Army or Colorado State University.