Hey I'd vote for Boulder, CO as the new home. First the smoking laws are
so severe here that the city tried to arrest the owner of The Boulder
Dinner Theatre last year because 4 people smoked in one scene of "Grand
Hotel"! (made national news)

But the neatest thing about this area is our SCFD, Scientific and Cultural
Facilities District covering five counties. The district makes for a VERY
museum friendly environment. This past year the SCFD raised 27 MILLION
dollars for Scientific and Cultural institutions. (That's more than a
quarter of what the NEA had for the entire nation)

You'd have an added advantage too since there are far more "cultural" than
"scientific" orgs in the mix. Boulder County Cultural Council keeps
lamenting when doling out the grants that there are no applications from
the science side of the mix... hint hint.

Of course as in the case of other new-age yuppie Eden communities,
everyone in  Boulder likes to play god so getting agreement on something
like a museum here is difficult to say the least . . . but that's what's
great about the SCFD covering FIVE counties! <G>