According to our statistics, more people in Australia visit museums and
galleries than attend football matches.  So how come the footie players get
more pay than we do?

Heleanor Feltham
From: daemon
Subject: why museum salaries are low
Date: Friday, 18 July 1997 12:33PM

      Re Christopher Whittle's comment:
  <Most people do not go to museums to learn they go to socialize and
have fun.  Learning is third on the list.  There are those that like
museums the way they are- these are the 15%.>

Socializing and fun are two of the main things kids (especially junir &
senior high school kids) want from their time in school, but schools, and
socity in general, would be remiss if that is all they offered students.
The same goes for museums.

Dr. Joanne Kluessendorf
Dept. of Geology, University of Illinois
1301 W. Green St., Urbana, IL 61801
phone: (217) 367-5916; fax: (217) 244-4996; e-mail: [log in to unmask]