Message from Roger Smith, ICOM New Zealand to Museum-L subscribers

There has been a lot of interest in the Heritage Tourism list and I have
received requests from Museum-L'ers regarding the sign on procedure.
are the details.

You send mail to "[log in to unmask]" with the following command
in the body of your email message:

    subscribe heritage-tourism <you email address>

Here's the general information for the list your'e subscribing to,from the
List Manager Mike Teskey

[Last updated on: Thu May 30  7:00:05 1996]

In order to participate in the discussion, questions and responses should be
sent to:
[log in to unmask]       DON"T FORGET THEY HYPHEN!!!

The ''  was only for purposes of subscribing.

I will be telling more people about this list, and would appreciate your
doing the same.  These discussion groups work only if people participate.

I am still new at a lot of this stuff (E-mail, majordomo, discussion groups,
etc) so your facilitator is quite green.  Bear with me and let the
discussions and the discovery begin!

Mike Teskey
CommunityFirst! Partners
2088 Jasmine Street
Denver, CO 80207

phone: 303-393-7623
fax: 303-394-9876

e-mail: [log in to unmask]