Sorry, IMS is industrial Methylated Spirits - which is simply 99% pure
methylated spirits. Normal 'meths' has various other constituents in it that
make it unpleasant to drink (I believe). Hence supplieres of IMS need to be
licenced in Britain - this may be different elsewhere.


At 11:15 03/07/97 -0400, you wrote:
>At 04:00 PM 7/3/97 +0000, you wrote:
>>I am told that cleaning with IMS is a good cure for mould. However it has
>>certain implications depending on American health and safety implications -
>>in Britain IMS is can be used as a solvent for cleaning, but is not
>>registered for use as a pesticide.
>What is IMS? Is this primarily used in Britain?
>All violence is the illustration of a pathetic stereotype.
>                -Barbara Kruger, 1991
>Tara Kennedy
>Acquisitions Assistant
>Trinity College Library
>Hartford, Connecticut
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# Matt Stephens                  #
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# Collections Management Project #
# University College London      #
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# Institute Archaeology B18      #