In response to a comment by F J Sarre to the Museum discussion list:

The Pitt Rivers has just installed a new automated collecting box. It was
designed by Tim Hunkin, is made out of recycled materials, and is very
witty.It is entitled 'The Anthropologists' Fund Raising Ritual' and hints
at the Museum's role in the history of anthropology.Inside one of the
Museum's original small display cases there is a group of anthropologists
(typological display). Roughly carved out of differnent woods, these are
charicatures of real people who have contributed to the Museum's
collections. They include General Pitt Rivers and our present Director.
Each is identified by a tiny label similar to the original labels still
used in the displays. They move first as a visitor passes, to attract
attention, and then when a donation is received they bend over to inspect
the donation (I think this is more often interpreted as a bow in
gratitude). Their eyes light up and a bell rings too, thereby attracting
more attention.  Tim has also produced a  booklet (cartoon format, 50p)
briefly explaining the mechanisms, and ideas behind it.

It generates a good deal of amusement and encourages some reflection on the
history of ideas which underpin the Museum's displays. It is too early to
say how much money it will raise. We have tried it in varying locations
over the last month, with varying results,and it has raised more than we
expected.  However it is nowhere near the amount we would receive through
even minimal admission charges, working out between about 5p and 10p per

This commission was generously supported by Southern Arts and by the
Friends of the Pitt Rivers Museum. One of our Friends is collating
information on automated collecting boxes and the donations they raise, so
if anyone has relevant information they would be willing to share please
send it to me the Museum. We will make sure the results are made available
to anyone interested.

Kate White
Pitt Rivers Museum