On the subject of translations in museums--this may or may not be
    as related as you like.  I have heard many interesting discussions
    on the use of multi-language labels in museums and
    exhibitions--mostly discussing where one draws
    the line in developing multi-language exhibition labels and
    texts.  For example, does the museum that
    has a large Hispanic population nearby place Spanish labels in the
    museum, or not?  I recently cuarted an exhibition on the Chinese
    community in a specific region of California.  At the request of
    the local Chinese community there, we included Chinese texts in
    the gallery.  This was the first time the museum used
    multi-language texts.  The issues it raised focused mostly
    on questions like--why only Chinese, why not Spanish as well?, and
    so forth.

    You may be able to find some information for a thesis proposal on
    this subject, rather than on the translation of museum
    publications alone.

    John Handley
    San Francisco