I did a bit of research on this subject (privacy and computers and all) a
little while back.  Fascinating stuff.  Basically, here in the US an
employer has the legal right to read an employee's e-mail (it's been to the
courts a few times and they come down on the employer's side -- it's the
employer's property and they can do what they wish).  There is no legal
requirement that the employer inform the employee of that fact, though it
seems that would be the ethical thing to do.  (I wonder how many places
actually do; not many I imagine.  Would be interested in finding out if
anyone's employer has that as part of their personnel policy or something.)


>>>> Susan Hazan <[log in to unmask]> 05/06/97 04:34pm >>>
>Could you please help me with this one?
>Do the senior administrative staff in your museum or organisation have
>right to access/read your e-mail at your work-place?
>Susan Hazan
>                                                             .+'^'+.
>                                                             shazan ;
>                                                             `+.,.+'
>  .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.
>`._.' `._.' `._.' `._.' `._.' `._.' `._.' `._.' `._.' `._.' `._.' `._.'
>Tel:972 2 6708066        Fax:972 2 6708077        Mobile: 972 50 442323
>Susan Hazan - Head of Multimedia Education Unit,        Ruth Youth Wing
>The Israel Museum,Jerusalem                http://www.imj.org.il/shazan

Nancy Adams
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