For a truly hilarious review of the split infinitive issue, read "Fowler's
Modern English Useage" by Gowers.  I rarely laugh out loud at anything not
authored by Benchley or Mencken, but I laughed at this.

As for "alright" -- I dunno; it was good enough for Gertrude Stein...

As for blind adherence to rules / blatant disregard for rules / rewriting
sentences (and the associated and excruciatingly subtle arguments over rules
vs. laws, and grammar vs. rhetoric), I follow one simple rule of thumb,
which all are welcome to accept or reject as suits their preferences:
Language is meant to communicate.  Anything which aids said communication is
good.  Anything which obstructs it is bad. The same thing can, in different
circumstances, do either.

Make that 1,332 list users to change a light bulb...  :)

Eugene Dillenburg
Geology Department
The Field Museum                                FAX: 312-922-9566
Roosevelt Road at Lake Shore Dr.                phone: 312-922-9410 ext. 293
Chicago, Illinois  60605

"It's not really food if it doesn't hurt."

                                        -- Bruce Elliott