I had out department secretary call the AAM bookstore in Washington D.C.
to order this and they did not know what she was asking about.  They told
her they did not have them.  Is it possible they are not in stock yet?
Also, could you possibly provide an ISBN number to help us in tracking
this down?  finally, how much does this cost?


Kathleen M. Adams
Assistant Prof. of Anthropology
Loyola University of Chicago

   [log in to unmask] wrote:
: The American Association of Museums announces the release of its 1997 Guide
: To Museum Studies and Training in the US.  It contains complete program name,
: address, phone, fax, e-mail, and contact person, plus more detailed listings
: with important information on the organization and requirements of many
: programs.  Can you combine a museum studies certificate with a traditional
: discipline-based master's degree?  Is an internship required for graduation?
:  Get these answers and more in one directory.

: The Guide also lists university-based training programs, museums offering
: internships, and mid-career professional education resources.  Use the handy
: tables to make quick and easy program comparisons.

: Call AAM's Bookstore to order.  $15 for members, $21.50 for non-members.
