Regine Scheffel, Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, wrote:
>>>I am working on the fascinating theme of *numbering systems* in museums,
especially about accession numbers and their treatment in and by computers (and
their users).
In that context, I am interested to know, if some of the MUSEUM-L members are
using *barcodes* to fix the accession number on the object and how their
experiences are.
It would also be very helpful, if  you know some *literature* about barcode use
(in museums)<<<<

Dear Regine,
I believe we started one of the first barcode programs when I was curator at
Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC.  We began the barcoding project in 1989.  It
was very challenging at that time to find information and advice because no one
else was using barcodes.  The process has not been completely smooth.  There
were, as you could expect, challenges in the adhesives, and the aesthetics of
the barcodes themselves.  The only article I wrote about it was in History News,
vol. 46, number 4, July/August 1991, American Association of State and Local
History.  Since then, Lori Garst, the current Biltmore registrar, has written an
article or two, but I don't have any citations.  (If you'd like her phone,
address, or email, contact me off list.) Being on the cutting edge was very
exciting and very challenging!! : )

Susan M. Ward, Director
Heritage Communications
615-661-6336 ph., 615-371-8774 fax
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