Try the Lighthouse for the Blind in NY City. They may have information that
would be helpful.  You may have a local blind/visually impaired organization
in your community or in a near by city. Check the yellow pages under social

If this doesn't work, get back to me and I'll ask a friend who works for the
Central Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired in Utica, NY.


At 11:34 AM 2/22/97 -0500, you wrote:
>The nature center where I work has a variety of exhibits which are
>accessible to the blind or visually impaired; some include braille
>Does anyone know of organizations or directories for the visually
>impaired which contain listings of recreational facilities accessible
>to their readers?
>Thanks much.
>BTW, for those of you who are too "lazy" <g> to change the Subject
>line from Internet Message to something more appropriate...{s
>pffffffft}!  Further, I never even look at these messages, and I'll
>bet a lot of other people don't either.  Try harder!