Nancy McCartney wrote:
>Our Museum will  soon feature a holography exhibit and we would like to have
>a speaker who can give a world-class talk about some aspect of holography to
>the general public. If we have a suitable candidate, we will apply to the
>Winthrop Rockefeller Distinguished Lecturers program here on campus for
>funding.  If you have had a good speaker (who would do a general lecture and
>then probably a program related to his/her field for specialists), please
>send your comments to me ASAP.  Thank you.

you might get some leads by contacting:

Museum of Holography
1134 W. Washington Blvd.
Chicago, IL
ORG/WK:  (312) 226-1007

good luck!

please read the text before responding publicly.
i do not respond to unsolicited email.