Once a computer is infected, it will be TOO LATE.  Your computer
>     will begin to emit a vile ODOR.  Then it will secrete a foul,
>     milky DISCHARGE.  Verily, it shall SCREECH with the tortured,
>     monitor-shattering SCREAM of 1,000 hell-scorched souls, drawing
>     unwanted attention to your cubicle from co-workers and
>     supervisors alike.  After violently ripping itself from the wall,
>     your computer will punch through your office window as it STREAKS
>     into the night, HOWLING like a BANSHEE.  Once free, it will spend
>     the rest of its days TORTURING household PETS and MOCKING the
>     POPE.

It should also be pointed out that one should NEVER kiss their computer
or you too will howl like a banshee  :)

Craig Deller
The Deller Conservation Group Ltd
Geneva, Illinois
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