Dear Fellow List Subscribers,

Perhaps you can direct me in my efforts to save the decals on a Cotten Gin
our museum recently acquired . More often I am faced with preserving decals.
Having made aircraft models as a kid I do know they are extremly fragile.
As an object conservator I do not have any experience in preserving and
enhancing them so they are vivid and stabilized.
I am tempted to give them a clear wash of B-72 consolidant and in so wetting
them render them vivid and visible but do not know the archival affects down
the road.

Can anyone point me in a direction to conservators in the specialized field
of farm machinery where they would come upon such treatments on metal and wood?

Thankyou for any assistance you may suggest.

Len Hambleton (immigrated Canuck) Objects Conservator
N.C.Museum of History
Raleigh N.C.  919-715-0200 Ext 244   Fax 919 733-8655