Ivy Strickler <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>>Continuing the dicussion on volunteer recognition, how do you
>>acknowledge  volunteer hours?

>We ahve a very small number of volunteers but they are dedicated. We take
>'em to lunch someplace nice every six months or so, and usually one or two
>at a time. Making them feel special and involved seems more appropriate
>than a canned ceremony and a certificate from our laser writer. :)

>Ivy Fleck Strickler                     Phone 215-895-1637
>Drexel University                       Fax 215-895-4917
>Nesbitt College of Design Arts          [log in to unmask]
>Philadelphia, PA 19104

>"Sometimes yu have to go a long distance out of your way to come back a
>short distance correctly."

We have an annual oyster roast.  Good opportunity for everyone to
meet, we're scattered over three sites.