I say, wasn't that J/D Ryan <[log in to unmask]> who wrote on Mon,
06 Jan 1997 20:50:28 -0800:

>Lance Sprung wrote:
>> Hello:
>> Please forgive me if you find this posting offensive.  I collect
>> examples of ancient writing and thought I would post my request
>> to this forum.  I am looking for examples of early writing dated
>> from 1200-1599. These include letters of correspondence,
>> incunabula, cuniforms and all examples of ancient writing as well
>> (including egyptian hieroglyphics). As for more modern times, I
>> am also looking for newspapers dated from the 1500's as well as
>> most colonial documents dated before 1783.  Should you have any
>> authentic material for sale, please send me a description and
>> your asking price. Thank you, and I'm sorry for the interruption.
>       Sorry, I'd like to help but I'm going to have to defer to Jack,
>Billo, Deck...er, you get the message. (Chivalry prevents me from
>mentioning the ladies.)
>Jim Ryan

Seriously, I would suggest he go to this site:


That's about as ancient as I can think of.

Davida Chazan,
Chocolate Gourmet and Expert Omphalopsychite
(often at the same time)!
     {Warning:  Email address corrupted to avoid spam.}