J./B. Moore <[log in to unmask]> wrote in article
<[log in to unmask]>...
>  is it necessary to have a degree in art history, or can
> >i do a general program incorporating art history, anthropology, and
> >religious studies?  and then get a post-grad degree or diploma in museum
> >studies?  will this work?
> Christine, we just had a discussion on this very topic and the general
> consensus was that some type of graduate-level study is generally
> for a museum career.  If you want to get involved in an art museum in the
> curatorial area, at least a masters' in art history specializing in a
> particular area is required.  An interdisciplinary program such as you

Most of the discussion about graduate work leading to a museum career has
focussed on getting an M.A. in art history. What if you want to work in a
"history" museum or historical society? Would the best M.A. in this case
be an M.A. in history? Or, given the emphasis on material culture which
is characteristic of museums, would an M.A. in art history with a
of history courses be best?
