I don't think you'd be charged for use of images from catalogues
from other non-profit institutions.  But...I would strongly recommend that you
take the time to e-mail or write each and everyone of the "owners" of the
images and ask permission for web use.  I'd bet the majority will say yes. All
of the images I loan/sell are for "one-time use" and if they were used for
another purpose, I would definately want to know about it.

-Nina Cummings- (The Field Museum)
<[log in to unmask]>

In article <[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask]
writes:>Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 20:10:31 -0500
>From: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Permission for images on web pages

>Greetings to all of the list members and happy new year!  I have a question
>regarding images on the web.  Currently I am working on a web page.  I have
>included catalogs of past exhibits which include images that we have received
>permission to reprint in the catalogs.  However, I was wondering if I now
>need to get extended permission before I open up the site to the public.  Has
>anyone on this list experienced problems with reproducing catalogs or other
>information on the web which included images that required permission at the
>time of the exhibit?

>Thanks in advance for your help.

>Warm regards,

>Nicole Basso