Here at The Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum, we are begining to re-evaluate
our fees for the use of historic photographs and film footage in our
collections (to which we have clear  copyright) and were wondering what
other museums do. Do you differentiate between comericial and
non-comercial users? Do you charge rates similar to those charged by
commercial image providers? Or do you charge just enough to cover
reproduction and research costs? And finally, if it isn't too much to
ask, what are your fees? Ours have been the same for 10-25 years, ($25
for a 8x10) so we may be a bit behind the times).  Feel free to reply
off-list to me:

Genevieve LeMoin
The Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum and Arctic Studies Centre
Bowdoin College
Brunswick, ME 04011
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