Please share this information with colleagues and students in the Atlanta
and Omaha areas.

The Smithsonian Center for Museum Studies is now accepting applications
for the 1997 Vincent Wilkinson Internships, as part of the Center's Museum
Intern Partnership Program.  The Vincent Wilkinson Endowment Fund is a
generous contribution from Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Welters. The fund, named
in memory of Mrs. Welters' father,  provides support for African American
undergraduate students to participate in the Museum Intern Partnership

The 1997 partnerships are:

1.  National Museum of African Art and Spelman College Museum of Fine Art

2.  National Museum of American History-Program in African American
Culture and Great Plains Black Museum

The two selected interns will spend ten weeks at the Smithsonian (June 9 -
August 15, 1997) and
then intern at the partner site in either Atlanta, GA or Omaha, NE
(September - December 1997.)
The program concludes with a two day evaluation session, tentatively
scheduled for January 15 -
16, 1998, at the Smithsonian.

During the ten week program at the Smithsonian, selected interns will
receive a weekly stipend
of $250.00.  The program will provide a grant of $500.00 to participants
during the fall segment
and will also provide a $500.00 travel allowance to help defray travel and
living expenses for the
two day evaluation session in Washington, DC, tentatively scheduled for
January 15-16, 1998.

Applications are available at:

send e-mail request to [log in to unmask]
download application at
fax requests to 202-357-3346
call 202-357-3102
write to: Museum Intern Partnership Program; Center for Museum Studies;
900 Jefferson Drive, SW, MRC 427; Smithsonian Institution; Washington, DC

Bruce C. Craig
Center for Museum Studies