The New Jersey Historical Divers Association has set up a TEST SITE for
our New Jersey Shipwreck Museum web site.  We are inviting archeologists,
historians and scuba divers to review the site for speed, format,
useability and usefulness.

The site is by no means complete and should be considered a "work in
progress."  The information contained on these pages is very limited but
will be expanded as we further develope the site.

The site, designed for internet users, will allow access to museum
archives and keep visitors updated on museum events in addition to what is
on display once the museum opens its doors.  The site is intended to be
used as a research tool and educational aid.

Again, we invite you to visit this site and to give us your feedback.
The url address is:

Please e-mail your feedback to me at:
[log in to unmask]

Thank you,
Dan Lieb; Treasurer
New Jersey Historical Divers Association, Inc.