Well, I must have missed something because I do not remember we
have settled down the question of what is a cultural heritage
professional !! 
nevertheless, circunscribing to your question, I think a professional 
should be open to any improvement in the job; moreover should be
interested and eager to learn about any improvement in the job,
even if the improvement is a computer :-) The following skills (that is
learning about one system or another; one soft or another, etc) depend
on the particular field one is working, I think.  The last universal wise man
I believe was Rene Descartes !:-)
On the other hands, I think Institutions ALSO should be interested and eager
to learn about improvements.  I would like to stress the importance on
permanent education of professionals, fostered and even sponsored by the Institutions. Which is something these tend to forget in the day-by-day battle.
What you all think?
Montserrat Pin
Servicio Comercial
(Commercial Service)
Museo del Prado
Claudio Coello, 73 - 3
ES-28001 Madrid
Tfno./Phone: 34 1 3302892
Fax: 34 1 3302890
Web site: www.mcu.es/prado
E-mail: serv.comercial(a)prado.mcu.es

Now that you have all aired the definition of cultural heritage
professionals - and presumablly know what they are (us) it would be nice if
I could as plentiful a response to the original question!  (Many thanks to
those who did respond!)  Nevertheless, I submit my posting again!!

>"There is a range of digital and information management skills that are
>needed by cultural heritage professionals to effectively do their jobs in
>the emerging global information society.  What skills do cultural heritage
>professionals need to successfully undertake their work in the emerging
>information age?  Or, what skills did you wish you had in this area
>*prior* to taking your present employment position?"
>If you choose to respond to this posting, your name and email address will
>be published in >Spectra  in order to further discussion, UNLESS you
>instruct me that you wish to be listed as "anonymous".
>Thanks.  Your answers are appreciated!

Spectra Editor
Head Registrar, Collections and Exhibitions
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
1071 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10128
212 423 3568
fax: 212 423 3650
email: squigle§panix.com