"Museums and the Enlightened Tourist," scheduled for March 6-8 in Charleston,
South Carolina, will explore the intersection of adult education, visitor
services, and cultural tourism for a core audience group-- experienced adult
visitors.  Leaders, from inside and outside the museum profession, will focus
on recent audience research, program development, collaborative partnerships
for mutual benefits, visitor services, and current cultural tourism issues.
 Seminar leaders include: Robert Barrett, Los Angeles Convention and Visitors
Bureau; Marilyn Hood, Specialist in Audience Research and Audience
Development; Bonnie Sachatello-Sawyer, Museum of the Rockies, Montana State
University; Annie V.F. Storr, AAM.  The program also includes a "Seminar
Exchange" where registrants are invited to share projects and materials.
 Early registration for AAM members is $275 ($325 after January 31, 1997);
nonmembers pay $375.  Limited fellowship support is available (apply by
January 31, 1997).  For more information, contact Lyn Goodman at 202/
289-9114, or by fax at 202/ 289-6578.