I invite you all to a 'pre-opening' of the Cats! Wild to Mild Website.  If
you're interested in taking a little time off to learn something about the
35+ species of wild felines, please visit

The presentation is part of a larger, incomplete website which is being
produced in conjunction with our newest traveling exhibit, "Cats!  Wild to
Mild"(opens in March of 1997).

If you visit, please send me your comments at [log in to unmask]

The site will remain open to the public throughout its construction, so if
you find it useful, please bookmark it and tell other interested persons
about it.

Note:  only the frames version is complete.  It supports Netscape 2 and up
or the equivalent.  We will also be putting together a non-frames version.
Some of the color, sound and animation will not be available if you use an
older browser.

Special Note for Webmasters:  notice the + and - buttons at the bottom of
several of the pages.  Since this is a high maintenance site (lots of links
will come and go), I wrote a perl script which will allow museum docents
and volunteers to maintain the page with minimal knowledge of web
programming.  Links and resources can be added and deleted easily with a


Jim Angus
Internet and Hypermedia Programs
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
900 Exposition Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA  90007


voice:  213/744-3317
fax:    213/746-2999
eMail:  [log in to unmask] = [log in to unmask]
        [log in to unmask]
        [log in to unmask]
        [log in to unmask]
        [log in to unmask]