> Date sent:      Wed, 11 Dec 1996 00:04:37 GMT
> Send reply to:  Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
> From:           Caroline Posynick <[log in to unmask]>
> Organization:   John F. Kennedy University
> Subject:        donor interpretation II
> To:             [log in to unmask]

> The responses (most appreciated) from my previous posting have generated
> new questions for my thesis:
> 1.  Which department in the museum is generally responsible for collecting
> donor information?

> 2.  What is the criteria for collected donor info?  (If detailed on a
> form, what questions are asked?)
Name, address, phone, as much history as possible

> 3.  Which department stores the information and how is it done? (ie paper
> or computer files) Is it seperate from the other information such as Deed
> of Gift, etc?
Development, database; Deed of Gift resides in development, copy to
appropriate curator

> 4.  Who has access to the (non-confidential) information?
Appropriate staff
> Thanks again for the discussion.  Any and all info is appreciated 'cause I
> know how busy things can get, especially at this time of year.
> --
> Caroline Posynick
> [log in to unmask]

>Good luck!
 Phyllis Hockett
Development Officer
Utah Museum of Natural History
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
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