[log in to unmask]  writes on 12/5/96:

>"Three cheers for you John!  My sentiments exactly!  Since
>I was eight years old, I have wanted to be an
>archaeologist.  I went into the field of archaeology
>because I love archaeology, not because I thought I would
>ever get rich.  I don't want to be rich, just be able to
>pay mortgage and contribute to my 401K.  It seems that we
>are ever underpaid and undervalued.

>I've even been so underpaid that I have done archaeology
>for free just to do what I love."

Gee, I started in archeology and took my first "museum" job
without even asking what it paid.  And I do get paid a
reasonable salary - better than I did in archeology for 15

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C. L. Dill, Museum Director
State Historical Society of North Dakota
612 East Boulevard
Bismarck  ND  58505-0830
P: (701)328-2666
F: (701)328-3710
E:  [log in to unmask]
Visit our Web site at: http://www.state.nd.us/hist/
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