In a message dated 96-11-25 14:48:48 EST, John Handley writes:

>      Dear Robin Panza:
>      I am sorry to belabor my point, but please hear me on this
>      important issue:  When I write about the importance of better
>      salaries and benefits in the museum field, I am *not* stating that
>      we (the professionals) should push to get rich.  Getting rich has
>      never been the point of this discussion regarding salaries and
>      benefits in the field.
>      Once again I ask:  Why do we as professionals see such things as
>      medical coverage as an added benefit?  What other profession
>      out there does this philosophy transfer to?  Teachers?  Plumbers?
>      Accountants?  Why are so many museum professionals
>      unwilling to say that they are worth a good salary and
>      benefits?
>      John Handley
>      San Francisco
Three cheers for you John!  My sentiments exactly!  Since I was eight years
old, I have wanted to be an archaeologist.  I went into the field of
archaeology because I love archaeology, not because I thought I would ever
get rich.  I don't want to be rich, just be able to pay mortgage and
contribute to my 401K.  It seems that we are ever underpaid and undervalued.
 I've even been so underpaid that I have done archaeology for free just to do
what I love.