Eric -

Nice review of the Leonardo Exhibit.  I would like to add that the software
was developed by Corbis
and is available for sale ($50) at the musuem's gift shop.

>   On the side of the exhibit floor are a generous number of computer
>   stations with absolutely the hippest piece of exhibition software I
>   have ever seen in my born days. I can't begin to describe it
>   adequately in this forum, but effectively the software displayed a
>   facsimile of all the pages, at full size.  With a click of the mouse,
>   one could portray a mirror image of the facsimile (since Leonardo
>   wrote these in his famous mirror handwriting, that would make the
>   words appear forward); or one could choose a transcription
>   into Italian typed text; or a translation into english typed text.
>   Cool enough, as this would happen virtually immediately.
>   Even more amazing is that one could choose a "lens" which passed over
>   the text with the same choices independent of the background text.
>   Therefore, one could have the background text in, for example, facing
>   forward facsimile, and have the lens go over about a 1/4 of the page
>   with the English translations.  The illustrative drawings on the
>   originals were maintained in all of the formats.
>   Told you I couldn't describe it adequately.  You must see it if you
>   are interested in any way in computers for learning and computers in
>   relations to exhibitions.

Fredric J. Raab
Interactive Media for Museums
Cambridge, MA, USA
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