Missed MCN '96/CHIN '96?

     Or just want a copy of a presentation you really enjoyed?

     If you'd like to order audio tapes of the conference sessions of the
     1996 Museum Computer Network Conference (held in Ottawa, Canada from
     October 31-November 2), you can find a copy of the order form on the
     MCN home page under http://world.std.com/~mcn/highlights.html.  The
     cost is $10 Cdn for each tape (which contains 1 panel session).

     You can also contact Michele Devine at the MCN Membership Office for a
     hard copy of the order form:

     Michele Devine
     Museum Computer Network
     501-8720 Georgia Avenue
     Silver Spring, MD  20910
     tel: (301) 585-4413
     fax: (301) 495-0810
     e-mail: [log in to unmask]

     Kerridwen Harvey