In article <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask] (MyFlee)

>    I feel like every other day I have a new question.  This is in
>to Master Degree Programs.  I am aware of several universities and
>colleges which offer Musem Studies.  However, I was wondering if anyone,
>as of yet, has developed a Museum Education focus to thier programs?  Is
>this even a feasible suggestion?  If so, has anyone been there/done that,
>I'd love to hear from you.

Hi.  I've heard Bank Street in NYC has a good Museum Education program.  I
knew someone who graduated from there.  Not only do you get a degree in
Museum Ed, you get certified to be a teacher.  Something else to consider.
 I don't have their address either, but I know they can be found on the
web.  You can request a catalogue from there.  Good luck.

Arthur Fleischmann