A few suggestions are:

Bowman & Branchaw, How to Write Proposals That Produce, Phoenix:
Oryx Press, 1992

Reif-Lehrer, Liane, Writing a Successful Grant Application, Boston:
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 1989 (better for federal grants than

Belcher and Jacobsen, From Idea to Funded Project, Phoenix: Oryx
Press, 1992.

Since I haven't had to write any grants, I can't comment on the
usefulness of these books.  I would also suggest contacting THE
FOUNDATION CENTER in Washington D.C. for bibliographic suggestions
(http://fdncenter.org).  They are a non-profit that assists people looking
for $$ and very helpful in terms of their training and library.  Finally, I
would suggest contacting the organization who you are seeking funds
from.  Some organizations (like IMS) make public successful grant

Hope this helps!

Laura Mahoney
Office of Sponsored Projects
Smithsonian Institution

(and former GWU grad and NPS NAGPRA intern....)

>>> Julie London <[log in to unmask]> 10/10/96 05:32pm >>>
Could someone please recommend a solid introductory text on writing

Thanks in advance,

Julie London

NAGPRA Coordinator
San Francisco State University
Dept of Anthropology

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