Hasn't this been done to death already? Aren't we aware that the use of
,man' as a generic term for human or people just doesn't work no matter
the history of the word. Our minds automatically invision a male figure. I
spend my life trying to get my archaeology students not to write about
'stone age man'-it really does make it easy to ignore the role of women in
society. Is it so difficult to talk about 'people' or to change definitions
made at a time when the people that counted were all male.

Excuse the rave but South African women are way from liberated and
these issues are important here.


>>> Artur Gregorio <[log in to unmask]> 27/September/1996
12:05am >>>
I can't beleave you could even think J.H.R. was saying

... male and nature...

you nead to open your ideas!

Mariea Fisher wrote:
>      Oh dear - eco museum = expression of 'man and nature'.  What kind