Joe R Flandrau Science Center Tucson asked:

>Does anyone know anything about a Nut Museum in Old Lyme Ct. Supposedly
>the entrance fee was 2 bucks and a nut.

According to my copy of "Uncommon and Unheralded Museums," (Hippocrene Books,
1991) the Nut Museum is located at 303 Ferry road, Old Lyme CT. 203.434.7636
Adult admission, $3  The museum is the creation of Elizabeth Tashjian and
occupies 2 rooms of her Victorian house. Nuts are fabricated into doll
furniture, jewelry and toys. Nut oddities are also featured. Outdoors are sheet
metal sculptures resembling nut crackers.


****Mom always said (in a rather loud voice) "Look it up yourself, how do you
expect to learn anything?"***