Hi, MUSEUM-L-members,

we want to give a workshop about accession numbers and the problems to handle
in museum software packages. The workshop will take place in december in Germany

(Fortbildungszentrum fuer Museen, Brauweiler). There, we want to treat the
- giving new numbers to new objects (recommended systems for accession numbers,
 relation between accession number and datafile)
- handling of inconsistent old numbering systems
- list of demands: what should museum software offer to support the handling of
(accession) numbers
- discussion with software providers (FirstRumos, GOS, HIDA, IMDAS)  about
possibilities and problems implementing those demands in their software

Now, we are looking for
* examples for numbering systems (accession numbers, catalogue numbers...)
* examples for the most horrible old accession numbers, a computer has ever
refused to sort correctly.

It would be a very big help for us, if you could send me examples of your own
museum work.
Thank you in advance,

Bayer. Nationalmuseum
Prinzregentenstr. 3
D-80538 Muenchen
Tel. +89/21124-245
Fax +89/21124-200
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