I have a question.  Here at the BRooklyn Children's Musem we have recently
openned a major exhbition along with programs for kids.   And what is
happening is that other museums are calling requstion information about what
we have done.  Our policy is to share what we know, but we want to do it in a
way that assures our innovative ideas are credited and not just taken without
acknomledgment.  Any suggestions on setting that up?  Any suggestions on
other people to contact or books to read?

Also, we have user manuals  with innovative program around our plant
Discovery Carts - what kind of fee would you be willing to pay for copies?
 They contain our education philosophy, trainign guidelines for facillitators
and activities galore!

Lastly, if you were requesting a package about a museum's exhibitions and
their programs - what things would you see as being useful in that package?

Thank you for your assistance with this matter