>On Wed, 31 Jul 1996, Miriam B Albahari wrote:
>> Hear, Hear, Sally!  I agree with your thesis completely.  Good luck with
>> your dissertation - it sounds fascinating.
>     Not to me it doesn't. It sounds like newthink-cum-nonthink, the sort
>of fuzzy fulmination that passes for academic excellence these days.
>     Her thesis is that museums are in trouble because our culture is
>misogynist and the public is stupid. Well, the public is not so stupid
>that it can't tell when it's being dissed.
>     Well-run museums are reaching all-time attendance highs and record
>sales. The also-rans would do well to stop pissing out the window at the
>public passing by and look inward to find out what's wrong with their
>institutions' offerings.
>     Also, it would be pleasant if some of these putative professionals
>would clean up their grammer, sintax and speling before posting their
>animadversions on their absent audiences.
>     Hank Burchard * <[log in to unmask]> * Washington DC | USA


It must be nice to be such a simpleton, to go through life seing only what you
want to see. Personally, I am thankfull to Sally's of this world. They see
things from a "brighter" perspective, and have the courage to share their
visions with others.

The world is full of critics. Usually overpaid and without talent, but their
spelling (or if you are Hank: speling), grammer, and sintax are right on!

Hank, try looking at the world in colour, rather than black and white.


Robert P. Van Eyk, Director     * Providing Museum Quality Restoration &
Canadian Conservation &         *  Conservation Treatments / Solutions.
Restoration Services            * Specializing in Antiques, Industrial Objects
[log in to unmask]       *  Monuments, and Architectural Components