Looks like great source material for another episode of "Beyond the
Velvet Ropes"

David Hawkinson

>>> Helen Glazer <[log in to unmask]> - 8/6/96 8:59 AM >>>
On Tue, 6 Aug 1996, Anne Lane wrote:

>  But, if you aren't sure whether the donors of any of
> >these placed any conditions on their donations, your hands are
tied - at least
> >until the moths eat 'em up!
> Please clear this up for us - are these moths gonna eat the donors,
> conditions, the donations, or the hands?
> Sorry, I can't help it.  Go ahead, delete me.

Hey, that's funny!  Thanks for the laugh.

--Helen Glazer, Exhibitions Director
Goucher College, Baltimore, MD, USA [log in to unmask]