In article <[log in to unmask]>, Arie Avidor
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>Does anyone have any ideas on activities connected with exhibition dealing
>with Diamonds?
>Arie Avidor

You might like to illustrate the hardness of diamonds.  There are any
number of ways of doing this but you could, for example have a series of
styli, (assumed plural of stylus!), with points of materials of
different hardnesses.  These could be uses to attempt to inscribe plates
of other materials.  I seem to recall a hardness scale based upon this

Also of interest in this contex is the hardness and other properties of
graphite in comparison to diamond, both being carbon.  This could lead
into visitors creating crystal structures, testing for their strength,
rigidity etc.

The refractive index of diamonds, coupled with the ways in which they
are cut give them their brilliance.  There are many interactives based
upon this property which could be modified to relate to diamonds.

Good luck with the exhibition.

Julian Ravest
Museum Consultant
Everyone's actions are rational
within the world as they see it