I work for a historical society in the collections (stuff) department and
I have a question for registrars. We have a formal process for adding
items to the collection (temporary receipts, full legal deeds and all the
associated paperwork) but our Registrar also keeps a HAND-WRITTEN log book
of all the new accessions. The information contained in it is the same
that's on the deeds - numbers, description, donor name. Why is this
necessary in the registration process? I would like to hear any
explanations, reasons for this work. What's the purpose? We have all the
information on legal forms and on a computerized cataloging system (ARGUS)
so why do we need this hand-written ledger?

I really appreciate your insights! Many thanks. You can respond to me directly.

Cordially -
Mary Ames Sheret
Collections Manager
Southern Oregon Historical Society