Good for you, Linda! Resist much, obey little!
        Must I remind you all we live in an alleged democracy, with
freedoms guarenteed by the Constitution? That applies to the workplace as
well, even touchy-feely workplaces such as museums. If you're going to
willingly lay down in front of every petty dictator, you might as well
just give over control of the nation to the gang of thugs in Washington
and let them do what they will.
        We're supposed to be more aware of these things than most folks,
being involved in the preservation and interpretation of culture and all.
Wake up a little, OK?

 On Wed, 19 Jun 1996, Linda Seguin wrote:

> > Or that when the dinosaur skeleton falls on you, and your post-accident drug
> > test shows that you've smoked pot in the past month, Worker's Comp. doesn't
> > have to pay?
> > Big Brother is watching, and I don't feel any safer.
> >
> > --Linda Seguin