Text item: Text_1

     I've been follwing the label-reading thread and note what people have
     been saying about the TOTAL experience offered - ie, an exhibition is
     more than just objects and labels - many other factors come into play,
     such as interactives, dioramas, activities, things to touch, people to
     talk to, etc.
     One thing I'm researching at the moment is the "competition" for
     visitor's attention from different elements of an exhibition. We may
     want them to read some vital piece of information, but if this is
     placed near say a computer interactive, then the attractiveness of the
     computer wins out in obseravtion studies that I have done here at the
     Australian Museum.
     Has anyone else done any work on this and found the same thing? I'm
     building a case for arguing that as museums are places where we have
     real and interesting objects, that some of the computer interactives
     can draw attention AWAY from these. This has implications if we're
     looking at putting in hypertext, or more layered text in exhibitions
     via a computer.
     I have some readings on this (Serrell/Raphling, Screven, etc) that say the
     opposite of what I'm suggesting.
     Any thoughts??