>We have a large vehicle coolection consisting of carriages, wagons and
>sleigh's. Over the years they have tried to place accession number on the
>vehicles with limited success. Any suggestions mon a permanent method to apply
>accession numbers.

I don't advocate permanent marking for any object, but as for a semi-perm.
reversible method, we just use large paper tags with the number written
with a marker on the tag, not the object.  I've been discussing the
possible use of stronger plastic tags similar to livestock ear tags
attached to our large objects with both the number written on it as well as
a bar code.  It's a new idea and hasn't gone beyond speculative discussion.
It's probably worth a try.


Henry B. Crawford        Curator of History
[log in to unmask]     Museum of Texas Tech University
806/742-2442           Box 43191
FAX 742-1136             Lubbock, TX  79409-3191
***** "Rosencrantz and Gildenstern are dead!!" *****