No process, no review.  Once we make a decision to put something on view,
it stays put until the exhibition ends.

-Stephen Nowlin

Bruce Kato writes:

>I am interested in developing a formal process for administrative review of
>exhibitions or objects on temporary exhibit that a patron may find
>objectionable.  I am unaware of any examples that currently exist within the
>museum community.
>The closest policy that I have found is the review or request for
>reconsideration process used by most public libraries when a book is being
>challenged by a patron.  If a material is questioned, the patron is asked to
>fill out a Library Material Form, which is reviewed by the Library Board.
>The Board acts as the review committee.  If the Board's decision does not
>satisfy the patron, an appeal may be made to the City Council.
>If any of your institutions have developed similar procedures, I would
>appreciate receiving examples.
>Thank You.
>Bruce Kato, Chief Curator
>Alaska State Museums
>395 Whittier Street
>Juneau, Alaska  99801
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