>I am in the process of preparing a pilot program that would be directed at
>collections care people who deal with all aspects of furniture.....If I
>could get some input from everyone as to what they would like to see and
>information they would walk away with, I can tailor make such a program.
>I will be at AIC all next week, but do not hesitate to flood my mailbox.
>Craig Deller
>Great idea! I am very intrested in your final program. Suggestions:
        1. how to store, safely
        2. cleaning, upholstered, leather, wood
        3. identifying woods
I am certain you have already thought of these but they all cause me grief.
Our collection is primarily 1880 - 1930, mostly copies.

Thank you for suggesting this.

Kristi Alexander
McClung Museum
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>Craig Deller
>The Deller Conservation Group Ltd
>Geneva, Illinois
>[log in to unmask]                "Conservators make it last longer"