Occasionally a comment runs by that is soooo profound it needs to be
highlighted and reinforced.  I believe Robin's advice to be the paramount
key to an effective  website!  Follow her advise to success.


> Most important, though, is to have someone in charge who understands
> museum practice. If you approach a web site with the idea it is a
> curatorial project rather than a PR or publishing one you will establish
> a firm foundation to develop from.
> The web is interactive hypermedia, not print or video. Someone who
> understand this basic point is worth as much, if not more, than someone
> with advanced technical skills. A simple text-based site that uses the
> medium can be more effective than a flashy but inert one.
> Don't spend a lot of money. Things change fast.
> --
> ROBBIN MURPHY, creative director, artnetweb
> [log in to unmask]  -- http://artnetweb.com
> 426 Broome Street, NYC 10013  212 925-1885
> NEW THIS WEEK: http://artnetweb.com/resource/new.html

Betsy Price, Project Manager            A joint project sponsored by:
The Natural History of Genes            Eccles Institute of Human Genetics
UMNH                                    Utah Museum of Natural History
University of Utah                      University of Utah Medical School
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112

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